
Sylvania Community Stores & Café

Dawn, one of our Development Workers, has continued to support this fantastic community enterprise throughout the summer with their busiest period of development so far.

In June, they launched their community share offer and membership campaign. As a registered Community Benefit Society they have the unique ability to ensure that they are genuinely community-owned. This was a huge success with over 125 people joined as members with democratic voting rights and over £16,850 raised towards the start-up costs. The project held its grand opening day on Saturday 24th July, with entertainers, a congratulatory speech by deputy mayor Ian Quance and a barbeque.

Women smiling and playing the guitar outside at Sylvania Community Store's grand opening event

The project has been developing from strength to strength and hosts a range of community activities including art groups, lunchtime live music and a youth club. The shop and café are providing healthy and growing income streams to sustain and grow the enterprise – they have recently been able to employ two part-time project managers and have a growing team of volunteers to help keep the project open 7 days a week.

Find out more on their website or Facebook page.Two people sitting at a table paintingA group of teenagers around a table doing some craft activities