Celebrating Exeter’s Voluntary, Community & Social Enterprise Sector (17th March 2022)

Text reads: "Celebrating Exeter's voluntary, community & social enterprise sector. Thursday 17th March 2022, 4 - 7pm St James Park (Exeter City Football Club)"

Come and join us in celebrating Exeter’s fantastic Voluntary, Community and Social Enterprise (VCSE) sector!

Exeter Connect is delighted to be hosting a very special event on Thursday 17th March 2022 (4-7pm) to showcase the wonderful work of Exeter’s VCSE sector. It will be an opportunity to network and build collaborations, all whilst enjoying a delicious local produce buffet.

There will also be a chance to hear from some of the fantastic groups and organisations across Exeter about what they have achieved over the past couple of years, and their hopes for the future.

In order to keep numbers comfortable and in compliance with Covid-19 protocols, we are planning to have two sessions. Session 1 will run from 4pm - 5:15pm and Session 2 will run from 5:45 - 7pm. Both sessions will be the same and so we are asking guests to only join us for one of these.

The event will be hosted at St James Park (Exeter City Football Club).

Although this event is free to attend, pre-booking is essential as numbers are limited.

Find out more and book a place.

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