Exeter Connect hosts a range of networks, bringing together individuals and groups with similar interests and/or services. Coming together as a network enables the sharing of skills, resources and experiences; the joining of forces with positive effect.
The Exeter Community Growers’ and Greening Network is made up of community growing and gardening groups all over the city. We put out a regular newsletter to share stories, seasonal themes, images, events, knowledge, skills and volunteer opportunities.
Take a look at previous newsletters, and sign up to be added to our mailing list.
We want to hear your ideas and stories; and promote opportunities and events - and anything else you want to talk about and share in relation to improving and celebrating our urban green environment. If you have something you would like share, please email us.
The Exeter Community Food Network aims to bring together all groups/services offering free and low-cost food across the city to better understand the provision offered, the needs and issues people using them are facing, and collaborate and share experiences in addressing food need in Exeter.
Take a look at the map below, or at our directory to find out who is a member of this network. (Last updated 21/01/22)
If you are part of a group/service offering free or low-cost food in Exeter and would be interested in joining or finding out more about the network, please get in touch.
The Covid pandemic has highlighted many inequalities in our communities, the lack of access or skills to use online devices being one of them. Exeter Connect are currently hosting a Digital Inclusion network aimed at bringing community groups together to explore ways in which we can collectively offer our residents the opportunity to learn how to use devices, access social media & digital meeting platforms, and improve their IT skills, as well as providing access to equipment to those in need.
If you are interested in finding out more or joining the network, please email us.
Exeter Community Initiatives is a registered charity and company limited by guarantee.
Registered Charity Number: 1026229
Registered Company Number: 2844870 (England)
We’d love to hear your thoughts on our website. Please contact us if you have any issues or ideas.